it is a terrific ancient mill which is maintained with true love and passion. there is a kitchen and a small sitting room for 10 people inside the mill. in summer the feast can take place outside on the green lawn and around the fountain. we serve you all culinary adventures you are longing for - be it for an apéro or a several-course dinner.
an event at this outstanding vintage place will be unforgettable in any case!
group size
individual adaptations
non-binding inquiry
10 - 70 people
a terrific event duration
an old mill in the canton of berne
e, g, f, i
depends on your wishes (apéro, dinner)
food and drinks are adapted according to your wishes
chillevents ist eine geschützte marke - alle bilder sind eigentum von chillfood - chillevents und chilldrink sind
unternehmungen der chillfood ag
copyright © 2013-2017 by chillfood ag bern, riedbachstrasse 341, 3020 bern