are you tired of small talk? if so, we have the perfect event for you!
we organise a multi-course menu, no matter where. the menu card is not a composition of what you are going to have for dinner, but it contains uncommon topics of conversation. they are discussed in groups of two during a delicious meal, so that strangers, unknown or familiar get to know each other in another way. a very special conversation event!
group size
individual adaptations
non-binding inquiry
20 - 200 people
a lunch or dinner duration
the event can be performed anywhere
e, g, f
starting at chf 50.- per person
chillevents ist eine geschützte marke - alle bilder sind eigentum von chillfood - chillevents und chilldrink sind
unternehmungen der chillfood ag
copyright © 2013-2017 by chillfood ag bern, riedbachstrasse 341, 3020 bern