the word braai is afrikaans for "barbecue" or "roast" and is a social gathering and barbecue event in south africa. what is the difference to our babecue? it's the spices,
the preparation of the meat, the social habits around the braai and of course the quantities!
we use south african specialities such as large curled sausages called boerewors made with south african spices. and beef from the higher back, chicken, and and and. further we don't miss biltong, a dried meat with black pepper and coriander, dry wors and chili bites. all these specialities belong to our terrific braai party.
the meat is delivered by our south african partner in aubonne who brings all his passion and knowhow in its preparation. the braai event may take place in aubonne or anywhere else.
group size
individual adaptations
non-binding inquiry
10 - 200 people
as long as the grill is hot
either in aubonne with our south african partner or anywhere else
e, g, f, i
starting at chf 80.- per person
of course possible
chillevents ist eine geschützte marke - alle bilder sind eigentum von chillfood - chillevents und chilldrink sind
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copyright © 2013-2017 by chillfood ag bern, riedbachstrasse 341, 3020 bern